Back in the day (see below), I used to draw using a brush. Finding the old comic book pages has inspired me to start using a dip brush again. Comparing today's work vs the work I did as a 17, well, I have a long way to go to get back to that level of skill and ease.
Below is a HS project done in my junior year for Commercial Art class. We had to draw a fashion figure (hence the elongated proportions of the model; for fashion figures you use 10 head heights vs 7-8 head heights for normal figures) and create a newspaper add to go with it. This was before computer layout programs, so the lettering was hand drawn using a ruling pen. All individual images were captured via camera and pasted on card stock where I drew the border (also with ruling pen). The class was stressful, but I remember how much fun we all had. The class was 3 hours per day, and aside from all the projects that we worked on, we all created art to impress each other or make each other laugh (like MacGyvering a light box to create a Bat signal to shine into the classrooms across the quad).
The original figure and advertisement were too big to fit even on my 11x14 sized scanner!
Fantastic! And even more cool that you still have something from your HS days.